Shipping and return policies for Counterweight

Shipping Info
Everything is shipped from Alaska.
CDs are shipped via media mail in the U.S., to keep shipping costs as low as possible. Media mail will take several weeks to arrive. If you're impatient, message us.
In Canada and the rest of the world, items are shipped using the cheapest possible method, which is unfortunately ridiculously expensive. We have done our best to calculate it accurately (we used U.K. when calculating), but we'll try to refund the difference if shipping costs are lower than expected. We might just eat the difference if it's more expensive, because we like you having our merch. Our goal is not for you to make us rich; our goal is to make you happy.
Return Policy
If you don't like our music or merch, give it to someone who might appreciate it. You will lose money sending it back to us. If the merchandise arrives damaged or defective in any way (beyond cracked/broken jewel cases due to shipping), let us know, and we'll do our best to replace it/make it up to you.